we are partners in your

journey to sustainability.

We work with you to design an ESG roadmap embedded in your business strategy to increase your resilience and attract capital while making a meaningful impact on people and the planet.

who we are

We bring to you our know-how and our global-local expertise to simplify your ESG journey.

Our team of experts have assisted hundreds of clients across Africa and other continents in managing their ESG risks and achieving their sustainability goals. We bring a wealth of sector and country-based experience, to support our clients build resilient and future-ready sustainable businesses.


what we do

We help companies identify, assess and manage ESG risks and Opportunities.

We primarily work with IFC Performance Standards which are recognized as the gold standard for the private sector.

At ESG Africa, we conduct thorough Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) audits that are aligned with international standards such as the IFC Performance Standards (IFC PS) and ISO  Integrated Management System.

This process enables our clients to understand and address potential environmental and social risks associated with their business activities.
We also assist our clients in preparing for investment opportunities by developing a robust ESMS to increase their resilience, sustainability and attractiveness to investors.

With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we will empower you to achieve sustainable growth.

The governance of ESG is a key responsibility of Boards. ESG Africa helps clients develop an appropriate oversight structure and an accountability framework to govern current and future ESG-related topics that could impact the future of your business. We assist companies, board members and management team in implementing behavioral change strategies to support their journey towards a sustainable business model. At ESG Africa, we approach governance in two ways:

  • We engage with internal and external stakeholders to support Boards and companies in making informed decisions about their mission to act responsibly and sustainably.
  • We believe that good corporate governance and organizational health goes hand-in-hand.

One of our distinct advantages is locally-based team of experts, who bring a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the diverse communication cultures across Africa.

First, we will identify, map and analyze your stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of their needs and concerns. Then, we will craft together effective internal and external communications strategies to ensure that your messages resonate with each stakeholder group.

We will also establish a reliable grievance mechanism to address any issues that may arise. Our aim is to assist you in earning your social license to operate smoothly by nurturing positive relationships within your community and wider network through continuous engagement and collaboration.

Our customized training and capacity building services are designed to empower your workforce with the skills necessary to implement an Environmental & Social (E&S) management system effectively.

We focus on fostering a deep understanding of each employe's role and responsibilities as corporate citizens, ensuring they take ownership of their contributions. Our workshops provide practical insights into the application of national regulations and IFC Performance Standards within your specific business context. Our goal is to set your team for success while enhancing your company's commitment to environmental and social responsibility and practices.


At ESG Africa, we conduct thorough Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) audits that are aligned with international standards such as the IFC Performance Standards (IFC PS) and ISOIntegrated Management System.

This process enables our clients to understand and address potential environmental and social risks associated with their business activities.
We also assist our clients in preparing for investment opportunities by developing a robust ESMS to increase their resilience, sustainability and attractiveness to investors.

With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we will empower you to achieve sustainable growth.


The governance of ESG is a key responsibility of Boards. ESG Africa helps clients develop an appropriate oversight structure and an accountability framework to govern current and future ESG-related topics that could impact the future of your business. We assist companies, board members and management team in implementing behavioral change strategies to support their journey towards a sustainable business model. At ESG Africa, we approach governance in two ways:

  • We engage with internal and external stakeholders to support Boards and companies in making informed decisions about their mission to act responsibly and sustainably.
  • We believe that good corporate governance and organizational health goes hand-in-hand.

Stakeholder Management

One of our distinct advantages is locally-based team of experts, who bring a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the diverse communication cultures across Africa.

First, we will identify, map and analyze your stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of their needs and concerns. Then, we will craft together effective internal and external communications strategies to ensure that your messages resonate with each stakeholder group.

We will also establish a reliable grievance mechanism to address any issues that may arise. Our aim is to assist you in earning your social license to operate smoothly by nurturing positive relationships within your community and wider network through continuous engagement and collaboration.

Training & Capacity building

Our customized training and capacity building services are designed to empower your workforce with the skills necessary to implement an Environmental & Social (E&S) management system effectively.

We focus on fostering a deep understanding of each employe's role and responsibilities as corporate citizens, ensuring they take ownership of their contributions. Our workshops provide practical insights into the application of national regulations and IFC Performance Standards within your specific business context. Our goal is to set your team for success while enhancing your company's commitment to environmental and social responsibility and practices.

who we serve

We bring you ESG expertise across several industries.

We work with small, medium-sized and large corporations in diverse industries operating at the local and international level.

Agriculture & agribusiness
Oil and Gas
Water and Sanitation
Financial institutions & Private equity funds

Performance standards

ESG Africa works primarily with IFC Performance Standards

130 financial institutions  use these standards in their

lending and it’s a gold standard for the private sector.

Let’s talk about
your project

In today’s complex world, ESG reporting can no longer be an after-thought. It is a strategic path to yield revenue, create value and foster stakeholders’ trust. Getting there can seem intimidating and daunting.

That’s where ESG Africa comes in.

contact us: 
Tel : +221 77 569 37 42 / +44 2071936214
Whatsapp : +221 77 569 37 42
Email : esg@esgafrica.com

What's new

Read stories, research, and news on ESG across Africa.

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